Fire Power 40 Inc.


Business Coaching/Development

Business Membership


The greatest among you shall be your servant.   Matt 23:11

  •  We envision schools with aspiring individuals who value their freedom to educate, and are accountable for positive change in their environment, regardless of their personal background.

  • We see a health-conscious drug-free culture in our nation’s schools.

  • We see energetic teachers igniting beliefs, instilling hope, and providing unconditional love in their classrooms.

  • We envision Fire Power 40 becoming a household name and an innovative resource for cultural change with a personal development “touch system.”

Fire Power 40, Inc. provides a high-energy, scenario-based program, which instills a mindset of personal growth for a lifetime of positive change.

Grateful: We will begin and end our day with gratitude.  Isa 61:3 

Reconcilable: We value forgiveness as a foundational virtue for success. 2 Cor 5:18

Accountable:  We hold ourselves accountable, first to our personal calling in this service to mankind, then to each other as team members working towards a common goal.  Rom 14:12

Committed:  We are committed to what we are building, and committed to the people we serve.  Neh 6:3

Enthusiasm:  We have fun!  We will do what we do with enthusiasm, as though we are doing it for Him. Col 3:23


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Our Services



21 – 90 Minute Keynote Speech:

Dave’s unique ability to captivate the listener comes from his enthusiastic street-savvy style and his ability to fuse real-life stories with the innate desire to, “Go first”; to serve in the most challenging situations. He stretches the boundaries of your comfort zone, leaving no alternative but to trust the system, trust your cohort, and trust yourself.


Dave’s speeches are contextualized for the dynamic environments within the public and private sector, based on the needs of the client.School Districts have most consistently hired him for “In Service Half Days” to speak on subjects such as the following:

For Students

  • Courage Under Fire- A great speech for pre-test motivation and relaxation! Did you know that we are born with only two biological fears?  The fear of heights and the fear of loud noises.  Everything else is a learned fear.  When we understand fear and the place from which it originates, we are more capable of overcoming it.            This is also a great Anti-Bullying Speech- A supplement to the “David’s Law” policies.  We believe in the philosophy of leadership and team building expert John Maxwell, who reminds us that “Hurting People Hurt People.” This speech focuses on the innate desire within us all to do good with a unique perspective from the bully's eyes, while imparting wisdom about the true fire power behind a positive self-image.

  • Belief System for Greatness-  A great speech to begin your school year with the right mindset for success.  Visualization of a successful outcome has been linked to some of the greatest achievements ever recorded.

  • A Values-Based Mindset for Success-  A “Character Counts” speech for those who’ve been struggling with bad choices and have been identified as “at risk” or are struggling with harmful substances, or a harmful environment.  With a leadership twist, this is also a great speech for a commencement ceremony before graduation.

  • Courage to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone-  With a focus on the components of the “Decision Making Cycle” this speech is great for any time within the school year.  Information overload occurs when the amount of input to a system exceeds its processing capacity. Decision makers have fairly limited cognitive processing capacity. Consequently, when information overload occurs, it is likely that a reduction in the quality of decisions will occur. 

  • Leaders Make Every Second Count-  Acts of greatness come in 20 second opportunities.  This is a call to action for an upcoming freshman class stepping into a new role with new challenges, or a senior class expected to lead by example throughout the year.  It’s a message of ownership and an urgency for action, 

  • Rising from the Ashes-  Getting students to talk about a traumatic event can be one of the greatest challenges for an educational facility.  The residual effects are equally hard to measure, but have been linked by brain experts, and clinical institutions to many problems long after the event.  This speech links the communication responsibilities of the individual for personal and team success.   





For Teachers, Parents, Students, and Sport Team Members

Subject matter for Teachers and Parents is based on the current needs and initiatives identified by each individual school/facility.This is identified in the initial briefing between the Fire Power 40, cadre and the client’s administrative team.


3 to 4 Hour Professional/Personal Development

This action-packed presentation is ideal for “In Service Half-Days”, which focus on Leadership and Service Excellence.Through Dave’s affiliations in the community and throughout the nation, his clients benefit by experiencing a break-out session format, which usually follows the concept below:


  • 45 Minute Intro: After determining organizational and cultural need, in this phase of the program, the Lead Presenter makes a connection with the audience while introducing new paradigm, focusing on the end state.                                                                                      

  • Break Out One- 45 Minutes of Team Building/Vison Alignment/Communication Skills/Decision Making

  • Break Out Two- 45 Minutes of Team Building/Vision Alignment/Communication Skills/Decision Making

  • Break Out Three-  45 Minutes of Team Building/Vision Alignment/Communication Skills/Decision Making

  • 30 minute Contextualized Training-  Making the Connection

  • 15 Q/A with Audience

  • 15 Minute:  Evaluation/Call to Action/Pictures/Video Testimonies

*(10 page take-away handbook provided for 50 or less participants upon request.


8 Hour Professional/Personal Development 

This team building retreat is ideal for “In Service Days” or Off-Site retreats, which focus on Leadership and Service Excellence.Through Dave’s affiliations in the community and throughout the nation, his clients benefit by experiencing a break-out session format, with partnering affiliates, in the format below:


  • 45 Minute Intro: After determining organizational and cultural need, in this phase of the program, the Lead Presenter makes a connection with the audience while introducing new paradigm, focusing on the end state.                                                                                      

  • Break Out One- 45 Minutes of Team Building/Vison Alignment/Communication Skills/Decision Making

  • Break Out Two- 45 Minutes of Team Building/Vision Alignment/Communication Skills/Decision Making

  • Break Out Three-  45 Minutes of Team Building/Vision Alignment/Communication Skills/Decision Making

  • 30 minute Contextualized Training-  Making the Connection

  • 15 Q/A with Audience

  • 15 Minute:  Evaluation/Call to Action/Pictures/Video Testimonies

(10 page take-away handbook provided for 50 or less participants upon request.)

3 Hour Professional Development                                          

This workshop is designed to deliver leadership training for a total of 3 contact hours, during the faculty's parent conference period.  1.5 hours twice a week for each group of teachers within each conference period has proven to yield the greatest results.             



8 Week ICS Training                                             

This 8 Week Curriculum was originally designed for students from Truancy Courts, in which the personal development experience is delivered on Saturdays for 2 to 3 hours per session for a total of 8 sessions and 20 total contact hours, as per FP40 ICS Action Plan.                 



Parent Leadership Cohort                                             

This 4 to 12 Session Parent Leadership Program is an immersive and interactive initiative tailored exclusively for parents and guardians of our students. Our goal is to create a supportive and collaborative environment where you can connect, learn, and grow together as leaders, advocates, and champions for your children.   


  1. Parent-Teacher Collaboration: Discover strategies to build strong partnerships with teachers and staff to enhance your child's learning experience.

  2. Effective Communication: Learn to communicate effectively with your child, their educators, and the school community to foster a positive and nurturing learning environment.

  3. Parent Empowerment Workshops: Participate in engaging workshops focused on topics such as parenting coaching skills, child development, and fostering resilience in your child.

Membership Type

Business Membership


Dave Valero
President/ Founder

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